Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Oh Tuesday; You Make Me Homocidal

Oh school, how much you amuse and how much do you you abuse me. I'm not being depressing and telling you bad things, I'm only gunna tell you the good things, so, here I go:) 

Today is Valentine's Day! Ugh, the day of love. I don't really hate it, but I don't like it either. In homeroom today me and my friends were discussing how dumb Valentine's Day is. "Its a Hallmark holiday so that big named companies, like Hallmark, can make tons of money." True words of wisdom. <3 
In History Class, we had a chat on our internet class and we were all talking about Valentine's Day. Renamed it "Heart Day". 
I Biology class we are learning about genetics and the passing of traits from parent to offspring. We had to have a partner and pass our heterozygous traits to our offspring. My child that we ended up with was verrrrrry interesting (Eh Unicorn Slayer??). It was a mix of Randal from Monsters INC. and I don't even know what. But it was epic! 

Had an overall great day (and kicked butt in PE). 
Ramble on some more tomorrow!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Oh look: Monday Again!

Monday wasn't too bad, again, but I did not keep my promise to blog everyday, so I'm going to try from now on. 

Today was an O.K. day, except for the fact that my college courses are behind the due date, and I'm failing. I'm in 9th grade and its really frustrating, so oh well. 
The rest of the week was great. I spent all weekend at a wrestling match at my favorite school. My brother got 4th place too! 
I went to a basketball game at my favorite school again (United) on Friday. My school lost, but United won, so it was good either way! I spent the whole time screaming at my friend for being weird, and yelling at one of the basketball players. I had so much fun, but I promise to post everyday from now on:) 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday: Not So Bad; Just Really Random

Post #1: I am an internet lover. I will try to post to this everyday, but just bear with me if I don't. 

Today, Monday.... Very boring, yet not so bad. I walk into homeroom and hear the question, "What colour Power Ranger would you be?" i immediately just yelled the first thing that came to my mind, "Sky Blue-Pink with a Purple/Blue hue!" So now i am the infinity ranger. Oh the things we do in homeroom. 

Lunch. My favourite period of the day. Standing in line with my friends after Spanish class talking about cheese (queso) and cheese in other languages. After learning how to say I love you in Spanish (te amo), we made up a song.

Como te amo queso. Can't really describe the sound, but, yeah it was great. 
That was a bit boring for a first, but I'll try to make it extra better tomorrow.

So for now; 
Te amo queso<3
Morgan Johnston